Will writing services

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Will Writing services UK
Will writing

Importance of Will writing

Everyone over 18 should be encouraged to make a Will because making a Will is the only way to ensure your family, friends and any charities you support will get what you want to leave them after your death.

A well written Will ensures that your assets go to the right people at the right time and can help to reduce stress at what is a difficult time for your family. It can also reduce inheritance tax on the assets you leave behind.

It is never pleasant or easy to think about your own death, but it will happen sooner or later. There is great satisfaction and peace of mind knowing that you have organised your personal and financial affairs. You will also avoid unnecessary expense, inconvenience, and perhaps disappointment. It is best to tackle the task when you are healthy and able to think clearly about the future, then enjoy your life secure in the knowledge that those you love are provided for

Orange Legal

Avoid Upsets in the Family with
a Well-Written Will

Most people wish their life savings and belongings to go where they intend. Without a legally written Will, issues may arise:

Uncertainty and Disputes:

An unprofessionally written Will can lead to disputes among family members, questioning the validity of assets’ distribution.

Ambiguity of Beneficiary:

A faulty Will can cause uncertainty about who should inherit assets, potentially causing family conflicts.

Young Children:

Without specifying guardians for minor children, the court may assign someone you wouldn’t want.

Complexity of Inheritance Tax:

Improper estate planning may result in excessive taxes, minimizsng assets for heirs.

Long Delays in the Estate Distribution Process:

A poorly written Will can cause disputes, significantly delaying assets being distributed.

Our will writing service

Here’s How We Can Help You…

At Orange Legal, our experienced advisers in the UK are here to assist you in planning and creating a will that complies with your conditions and wishes. Our Will Writing Service includes:

Basic Wills: Advising on simple Wills for individuals or couples with straightforward wishes.

More Complex Estate Planning: Help and guidance for clients who wish to include property protection or have a vulnerable beneficiary.

Inheritance Tax Planning: A well written Will can help to minimize inheritance tax and preserve more of your wealth.

Existing Wills Update: Updating old Wills to comply with current law or reflect new wishes

Online Will Creation: Offering an online, easy and cost effective way to write your Will with our expert team via phone or video call.

will Writing services package

Will Cost

  • Single Will - £69 each

  • Payable in 3 easy instalments

  • Interest Free

  • No credit checks

  • £29 – on instruction then 2 further payments of £20

  • Plus £4.99 per month for Client Care Programe

  • Secure Storage of your Will

  • Pair of Mirror Wills - £99

  • Payable in 3 easy instalments

  • £39 – on instruction then 2 further payments of £30

  • Plus £5 per month for Will secure storage package

  • Secure storage package

  • Storing your Will

  • Free annual Will update

  • Executor’s Helpline

  • Probate Helpline

  • Free download copy of My Later Life Organiser

Where To Start?

Will Writing Steps

Step 1

First, consider what you have and to whom you want to leave it.

Step 2

Contact us to book an appointment with our experts on the phone, or via Zoom.


Step 3

At the appointment, your consultant will ask you questions about your family, assets, and your wishes.


Step 4

You will be asked about anybody who is financially dependent on you, such as children or spouses.


Step 5

Your consultant will suggest who to name as Executors, Guardians, and Trustees, advising them of their role.

Step 6

The consultant may ask about your pensions to provide advice on using them efficiently for your loved ones.

Step 7

Provide details of any life insurance policies for assessment by our financial adviser.

Step 8

Discuss your funeral wishes and how you plan to pay for it.

Step 9

Provide beneficiary information to ensure your loved ones receive what you intend. A Trust within your Will might be written to ensure your wishes are carried out.

Step 10

After obtaining all information, your adviser will draft your Will for your checking and confirmation.

Step 11

 Once satisfied with your Will, sign it in front of 2 independent witnesses.


Step 12

Once signed, your Will is legally binding and needs to be securely stored.  We will do this for you as part of the Client Care package.



Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, in the UK, the executor of a will is typically required to sign various legal documents during the probate process. These documents may include the application for a Grant of Probate. The executor's signature serves as confirmation of their willingness to take on the responsibilities outlined in the will and to act in accordance with the deceased's wishes. It's important for the executor to follow the legal procedures diligently, seeking professional advice if needed, to ensure a smooth administration of the estate.

In your UK will, it's crucial to avoid vague language, unrealistic conditions, and ambiguous instructions. Additionally, steer clear of making promises that may be difficult to fulfil, as well as including personal and private details that could compromise your beneficiaries' privacy. It's advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure your will adheres to the legal requirements and is clear and enforceable.

A mirror will, also known as a mutual or reciprocal will, is a legal document where two individuals create similar wills, typically spouses. In the event of one person's death, the surviving individual agrees to uphold the terms outlined in the mirror will. This ensures both parties' wishes are respected, commonly involving leaving assets to each other and agreed-upon beneficiaries. Legal advice is recommended to ensure the wills are legally binding and accurately reflect both parties' intentions.

The cost of a will varies, with solicitor fees ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand pounds. Online services may start from £20 to £100. For a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), the registration fee is £82 per type. Solicitor fees for LPAs vary. Prices may change, so check with professionals for current rates.

Confirm appointment

Contact Orange Legal

Contact us today to discuss your will requirements and take the first step towards personalised, compassionate care.