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Trust Will

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Trust Wills

What Is a Trust Will?

A Trust Will, also known as a testamentary trust, is a legal document enabling you to establish trust within your will. Trusts bring various advantages, including asset maintenance, protection for your loved ones, and mitigation of excessive inheritance tax. Unlike a conventional will, a will trust provides a higher level of control and flexibility, making it a valuable tool in estate planning.

Why Trust Wills Matter

Trust wills play a pivotal role in securing your family’s future and ensuring equitable distribution of assets to your loved ones. At Orange Legal, our team of experts is well-versed in will trusts, ready to guide you through the process and help you create a bespoke solution.


Our Trust Will Service

When considering reasons to choose our will trusts service in the UK, it’s imperative to underscore the distinct qualities and advantages that set us apart. Here are several compelling factors:

Expertise and Experience

Illuminate the wealth of experience and expertise possessed by our legal professionals in the realms of trust and estate planning. Showcase the qualifications and credentials of our esteemed team members.

Tailored Solutions:

Highlight our capacity to deliver personalised and tailored solutions, catering to the unique needs and objectives of each client. Present a diverse array of trust options and wills that can be customised to suit individual circumstances.

Transparent and Competitive Pricing

Clearly articulate our fee structure, ensuring transparency in pricing. Accentuate our competitive pricing model, offering exceptional value for the services rendered.

Client-Centric Approach

Showcase our unwavering commitment to prioritising clients. Emphasise our dedication to clear communication, responsiveness, and a client-centric approach throughout the entire process.

Comprehensive Services

Highlight the breadth of our service, covering a comprehensive range of estate planning services, including probate assistance, inheritance tax planning, and ongoing support.

Legal Compliance

Assure clients of our adherence to all pertinent legal requirements, ensuring compliance with current UK laws and regulations. Demonstrate our proactive approach to staying abreast of any legislative changes that may impact clients.

Technology and Innovation

If applicable, mention any technological advancements or innovative approaches that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our services.

Client Testimonials

Share positive testimonials from satisfied clients to instil trust and credibility. Consider featuring case studies that showcase successful outcomes for our clients.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Emphasise the accessibility of our services to a diverse range of clients. Provide information on language support, accessibility features, and any other inclusivity measures.

Educational Resources

Offer educational materials, workshops, or seminars to empower clients with an understanding of the importance of trusts and wills, enabling them to make informed decisions.

Free Consultations

Provide an initial free consultation, allowing potential clients to discuss their needs and comprehend how our services can benefit them.


If applicable, highlight any awards, recognitions, or positive reviews that underscore the credibility of our service. Demonstrate our commitment to upholding a positive reputation within the industry.

Our Features

Quick Easy Flexible

Interest in Possession Trust
Possession Trust

The beneficiary can receive an income from the asset but not the asset itself.

A Bare Trust 
A Bare Trust 

This is a straightforward situation where everything is given to the beneficiary outright once they are over 18.

Mixed Trust
Mixed Trust

This is where some of the trust has specific provisions tailored to the requirements of the settlor.

Discretionary Trust

This type of trust gives the power to the trustees to decide how the assets are distributed, and to make investment decisions within the trust

Vulnerable Person’s Trust

There are circumstances where a specific trust such as this may be of tax benefit, providing the beneficiary is a "vulnerable person."

Mixed Trust
Mixed Trust

This is where some of the trust has specific provisions tailored to the requirements of the settlor (the person making the trust).


The Benefits of Trust Wills

In the realm of estate planning in the United Kingdom,  trust wills, also known as “living trusts” or “revocable trusts,” offer a multitude of advantages. It’s essential to bear in mind that estate planning laws and practices can vary, underscoring the importance of consulting a legal professional to ensure tailored solutions. Here are key benefits associated with will trusts in the UK:

Probate Streamlining: A paramount advantage of will trust is their ability to streamline or altogether avoid the probate process. Probate, the legal procedure overseeing the administration of a deceased person’s estate, can be expedited by placing assets in a trust. This not only facilitates quicker distribution to beneficiaries but may also alleviate associated costs.

Enhanced Privacy: Trusts afford a level of privacy that conventional wills may not match. Unlike probate proceedings, which are typically public, the terms of a trust can be kept confidential.

Flexibility in Asset Distribution: Trusts provide heightened flexibility in asset distribution. Specific conditions, such as age or the attainment of particular goals, can be stipulated. Appointing a trustee ensures that assets are managed according to your wishes.

Seamless Management Continuity: In instances of incapacity or an inability to manage affairs, will trusts enable a seamless transition of management. A designated successor trustee can assume responsibility for trust assets without the need for court intervention.

Asset Protection Strategies: Certain trusts, like discretionary trusts, offer a layer of asset protection. This becomes crucial for shielding assets from potential creditors or securing them for the benefit of future generations.

Tax Planning Opportunities: Trusts can be strategic tools for tax planning. While the UK has specific tax regulations, certain trust structures may help mitigate inheritance tax liabilities and offer other tax advantages.

Mitigation of Intestacy Risks: By utilising trust in wills, you retain control over the distribution of assets, bypassing the default rules of intestacy. This is pivotal if you have specific directives on how your assets should be allocated among your heirs.

Tailored for Special Needs: Trusts can be customised to provide for individuals with disabilities, safeguarding their eligibility for government benefits.

Efficient Multinational Estate Management: For individuals with assets across various jurisdictions, will trusts streamline the management and distribution of these assets, negating the necessity for separate probate proceedings in each location.


When establishing a will trust, collaboration with a qualified legal professional is imperative. This ensures alignment with your unique circumstances and compliance with relevant laws, given the intricate nature of trust structures and their implications for estate planning.


Frequently Asked Questions

A will trust in the UK is a legal arrangement within a will that places assets into a trust. This trust, governed by appointed trustees, follows specific terms outlined in the will for the distribution of assets. It allows for greater control over asset distribution, potential tax benefits, and addressing specific family or financial considerations. Consultation with a legal professional is recommended for proper establishment based on individual circumstances.

Yes, in the UK, the executor of a will is typically required to sign various legal documents during the probate process. These documents may include the application for a Grant of Probate. The executor's signature serves as confirmation of their willingness to take on the responsibilities outlined in the will and to act in accordance with the deceased's wishes. It's important for the executor to follow the legal procedures diligently, seeking professional advice if needed, to ensure a smooth administration of the estate.

In simple terms, it’s a legal arrangement where you can give an asset (such as property, money, shares) to someone, known as the ‘trustee’, to look after for another person, known as the ‘beneficiary’.

The trustee technically owns the assets and is obliged to manage the trust for the beneficiary, who will then receive the asset at a given time.

Probate is a legal process that applies when a person dies and their assets such as money and property are valued and distributed among their heirs.
You should not make any financial plans or put a property on the market until you’ve got probate.

A mirror will, also known as a mutual or reciprocal will, is a legal document where two individuals create similar wills, typically spouses. In the event of one person's death, the surviving individual agrees to uphold the terms outlined in the mirror will. This ensures both parties' wishes are respected, commonly involving leaving assets to each other and agreed-upon beneficiaries. Legal advice is recommended to ensure the wills are legally binding and accurately reflect both parties' intentions.

Confirm appointment

Contact Orange Legal

For insights into the benefits of trust wills for your estate planning needs, Orange Legal stands ready to provide exceptional legal services and guidance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the initial step towards securing your family’s future.